(432) 254-8646 chall@ndcounselingtx.com
Do careful research when selecting a daycare facility
Christine Hall, LPC, LCDC & CCTP

Finding child care in the Midland/Odessa area is one of the most difficult tasks for parents and other caregivers. Finding good child care is even harder. With our community growing rapidly, many parents end up on waiting lists for months. Some local companies offer day care for their employees. But what about parents who don’t work for company with such amenities?

It is never too early to start preparing and lining up the best child care for your child. It is important to consider your child’s temperament, likes and dislikes and behavior.

Also, consider these questions:

–What are your child’s learning/playing styles?

–Does he/she interact well with others?

–Does your child need individualized attention?

Another important aspect to look at is the family values and emotional needs as a whole. Not only will the child be at the facility but the parents will be interacting with the staff on a regular basis and need to feel comfortable.

Day cares give tours and ask questions when prospective families show interest in the facility. As a parent/guardian, it is important to remember that you have the right to ask questions to make sure your needs will be met. Sometimes as parents we get used to answering questions about our children, but we forget we can ask questions of those who will play a role in our child’s life. Having a list of qualities your family is looking for in a caregiver and day care can include experience, training, discipline, beliefs, flexibility and any other topic your family feels is important.

If you know what you want in a caregiver, the next step is seeking recommendations from family, friends and others in the community. Talking to the people you interact with regularly and whose opinion you value, will help narrow down the list of potential caregivers.

If you are considering a child care center but are unsure of what to ask, here are some suggestions:

–Does the center have an open-door policy?

–What is the policy for sick children?

–Do they accommodate children with special needs or developmental delays?

–Are snacks/meals provided? If so, do they have a daily food menu?

–Who monitors the children’s play?

–What is the child-to-teacher ratio?

–Do the children have to be potty trained?

–Do they have a current state license or other accreditations?

Caregivers should have training in first aid and CPR. The most important thing to consider when choosing a day care is to trust your gut as the child’s parent/guardian.