(432) 254-8646 chall@ndcounselingtx.com

Altering addictive thinking, behavior vital for recovery

Christine Hall, LPC, LCDC & CCTP

Substance abuse has become a global problem. About 12 million people take illegal drugs monthly, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration’s website.

Drugs are a common form of self-medicating for many, and they may not be conscious of the reasons they started using drugs. Whether mental-health disorders or environmental problems cause the issues, drug use is a quick way to forget the problems that are causing pain. However, drugs are only a temporary solution. Considering that the “high” diminishes so quickly that it causes the individual to use again, a repetitive pattern of drug dependency and addictions will occur.

Personality and mood disorders such as depression and anxiety are common in individuals who have an addiction. People who suffer from depression have a constant feeling of worthlessness. Those who suffer from depression and addiction tend to have a higher risk of suicide because they lack hope that anything will get better, including themselves. By discovering the unconscious issues, restoring the person beneath the problems, and working on healthy coping skills, the individual can regain self-worth.

Similar to individuals struggling with depression, those with anxiety also use alcohol or drugs as a way to alleviate emotions. These individuals develop unrealistic expectations that set them up for constant disappointment. These disappointments may lead people to begin using drugs or alcohol to decrease anger or anxiety levels. Therapy will teach clients the skills to become problem-solvers. Recognizing irrational thoughts and demands will modify the cognitive process into a healthy rational system.

Prevention is vital for an individual to stay drug- and alcohol-free. It is difficult for an individual to remain clean and sober once stressors are brought back into a daily routine. For many recovering addicts, a relapse occurs within 90 days of the time they begin abstaining. Setting weekly goals, even if the goal is minor, is significant for any individual’s recovery. Crisis intervention and relapse-prevention are necessary steps in case of an emergency. The key is to be aware of the stressors that may lead to continued use of drugs or alcohol.

Participating in a 12-step program and identifying situations to stay away from will allow the recovering addict to keep the necessary mindset. The therapy process will guide the addict in changing their previous way of thinking. It is crucial not only to stop the addictive behavior but addictive thinking. When this new way of thinking becomes consistent, the recovering addict’s behavior will change.