(432) 254-8646 chall@ndcounselingtx.com
Counseling can help unemployed workers regain self-worth
Christine Hall, LPC, LCDC & CCTP

In the past several years, millions of Americans have been affected by the loss of a job. Five percent of the nation’s population — or 7.9 million people — were unemployed in October, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 

An individual may have worked for years in a career that provided financial independence, so it is devastating and life-altering when their job is terminated suddenly and unexpectedly. When an individual loses their job it can create numerous issues: difficulties finding a new career, paying bills, dealing with the psychological factors of being fired or laid off, the guilt of letting down family members, re-evaluating future plans and even health concerns. Health issues may be manifested with high blood pressure, nervous habits and lack of sleep resulting from extreme stress. Individuals who have been laid off through no fault of their own are often angry, hurt, and demoralized. Displaced workers are often penalized in their future earnings, and for those who cannot immediately find work, marital instability is heightened.

Many individuals suffer not only from the lack of income, but also having to deal with the likelihood of increased health and emotional issues. Individuals looking for a new job are often turned down because of age, being overqualified or underqualified or the state of the economy. When an individual is the sole source of income for the family, issues may escalate even more.

Some individuals are fortunate enough to find new jobs; thus a heavy burden is lifted from their shoulders. For others it may not be as promising and they will continue to struggle. Individuals affected by the economy can encounter issues that may add to an already-difficult time. Seeking counseling can be an emotional outlet for those in need. Helping to process the wide range of thoughts and feelings and to learn healthy coping skills will enable an individual who is struggling to regain confidence and self-worth. Self-care is vital during this time.