(432) 254-8646 chall@ndcounselingtx.com
Family should support individual seeking mental health therapy

Christine Hall, LPC, LCDC & CCTP

When I began my journey toward becoming a therapist, I never expected that I would want to work with children. However, every road led me in that direction. It wasn’t long before I realized the truth in what my graduate school professors told me: “You get the clients you need, not always the ones you want.”

This sentiment was never more true than when I was assigned my youngest client, a 5- year-old I’ll call “Joe.” Learning about Joe, I quickly realized that he had been through more during his short life than many of my adult clients.

He had experienced grief, neglect, adjustment issues, family issues, and various other issues, yet he still walked in excited to see me each week. Joe was able to talk about his life and use art as a way to explain the situations he had been through. Although Joe had a short attention span, he was able to communicate and understand more than most 5-year-old children. Then the day came when I found I would have to assist in making a life-changing decision for Joe. Every thought possible ran through my head. How am I supposed to provide information that will very likely impact this little boy’s future?

So there I was going through my thoughts the same way I guide my clients to do. I realized I was more than deciding for Joe. I was his advocate in a situation where he may not otherwise be heard. The life ahead of him would be a new chapter. He would have a chance to experience a loving family and experience the joy associated with being part of a family. This little boy, who walked in my office wearing cowboy boots, changed my views on counseling children and impacted my life in a way I could not have imagined.

I may not initially know the individual walking into my office and the story they will share. It is a reminder that each day I try to help change someone’s life, there is someone who is waiting to change mine.