(432) 254-8646 chall@ndcounselingtx.com
Family should support individual seeking mental health therapy
Christine Hall, LPC, LCDC & CCTP

Mental health is one of the most important aspects of an individual’s life; however, it often takes a back seat to overall health. Stigma continues to surround mental health disorders and mental health therapy, which causes many people to avoid getting the help they need.

The mental health field has grown, yet social acceptance is still limited. People are encouraged by family and friends to seek treatment from medical doctors to ensure the best physical health possible, but they don’t always do so for mental health therapy.

Adults and children who struggle with emotional issues often are told to “get over it” or “don’t let it get to you.”  In theory, this is an easy concept but it is not practical. So why is there a negative attitude toward mental health therapy? Why is it not socially acceptable to receive treatment for emotional, behavioral and mental health issues? One reason is a fear of the unknown. Mental health issues and therapy is not black or white. They are much more complex. Many people do not have accurate information about the diagnosis or treatments of mental illness, thereby creating resistance to therapy.

It’s important to support someone who decides to seek help for mental health issues. Even if you don’t agree with mental health therapy, you should not attempt to influence their decision. Criticizing an individual’s well-being and the form of treatment they choose could cause that person to perceive that those who care about them will judge them or view them differently. This may lead to a negative self-identity.

It should not matter the source of help an individual chooses. What matters is that the individual finds health, self-worth and happiness.