(432) 254-8646 chall@ndcounselingtx.com
Therapists are proud of clients’ life-changing decisions
Christine Hall, LPC, LCDC & CCTP

Change is inevitable yet it can be one of the most frightening aspects of life. For individuals coming to therapy, the idea of change, letting go of unhealthy habits — even when they realize change needs to be made — is one of the most difficult  aspects of recovery. Moving out of your comfort zone, forming new behaviors and turning them into new habits can be the most difficult and scariest thing for an individual to achieve. People are creatures of habit, and when you take that person out of their comfort zone emotions will intensify. Therapists often witness this occurrence.

As a therapist, experiences with my clients are quite diverse. One extremely touching moment happened when a client made the decision to check herself into a long-term treatment center.

This client was struggling with a drug addiction and came into my office completely lost and at rock bottom. She was unable to sit still, was ashamed to make eye contact and was full of fear and guilt. She attended the sessions but was constantly high. She showed a desire to change, to be the mom and person she knew she could be, but the fear of saying good-bye to the life she had known was terrifying.  

Throughout the entire session she cried, expressed all the concerns she had for herself and letting go of her everyday life as she considered checking herself into rehab for the next 30 days. The idea of the unknown and change was difficult for her to embrace. Although scared of what the facility would be like, of what her family would think, she was more frightened of failing, of not being able to stay clean. After processing through her thoughts, her emotions and her fears for more than an hour, my client decided to take a risk, leave my office and to check herself into treatment.

Making this change as she put herself into a new environment (out of her comfort zone) may save her life. It will be one of the hardest things she will face, and her journey will be a lifelong process. However, in the end, she will regain her life and the life she desires.

Those 30 days will be one of the toughest times in her life. Each day she will be faced with the challenge of making changes she never thought she could. Throughout her journey, she will find strength that she believed was lost as she becomes the mother and daughter she strives to be. As a therapist, there is a sense of pride watching a client make a life-changing decision that can ultimately save his or her life. The decision is far from easy, however; observing them fight through the emotional hurt and take that leap of faith in hopes for something different, something better is the beginning of something beautiful.